The Moveable Feast garden space is available upon request for community meetings, gatherings and workshops. Please contact Holly Schmidt to book the space. To see what’s happening in the space check out the calendar.
Spaces are limited so please reserve your spot by calling 604-297-4415 or email Shaun Dacey.
July 2012
Monoprints in the Garden For ages 4-5 Join Holly to create your own monoprint using leaves collected from the grounds at Ceperley House. Arrange the leaves to make unique shapes, patterns and textures then roll with ink to make a one of a kind impression.
Planting for Pollinators Explore the garden from the perspective of a pollinator with artist and beekeeper, Lori Weidenhammer. Learn to invite pollinators into your neighbourhood by creating pollinator friendly habitat for bees, butterflies and beetles. Tour through the garden to see what pollinators are at work and take a selection of seeds home to start your own garden.